Drummond Island Township

Chippewa County

Drummond Island view from DeTour Ferry Dock

Drummond Island Township consists of all of Drummond Island – an 83,000-acre haven of forests, inland lakes, and diverse habitat. It is located off the eastern tip of the Upper Peninsula and is named after Gordon Drummond – the first Canadian-born officer to command the military and civil government of British Canada. It is the second-largest freshwater island in the United States and covers 129 square miles of land and 120 square miles of water. A rugged shoreline and 36 inland lakes contribute to the island’s unique stature.

Tourism is Drummond Island Township’s largest industry. The large trail system for off-road vehicles, endless hiking, skiing, and snowshoeing trails, two golf courses, and an abundance of fishing lodges and resorts are directly related to the township’s economy. Additionally, the Carmeuse Dolomite Quarry provides jobs in their production of high-purity limestone suitable for steel production and crushed limestone aggregate for asphalt, ready mix, and roadways. More than a million and a half tons of dolomite are shipped from Drummond Island each year.

Township Office

Drummond Island Twp.
29935 E. Pine St.
Drummond Island, MI 49726-0225

Phone: (906) 493-5321

Fax: (906) 493-5404


Drummond Island Township Recreation Plan

Drummond Island Township Population Trends
Year Population
2021 1,011
2020 973
2018 1,050
2017 1,050
2016 1,050
2015 1,050
2014 1,058
2013 1,068
2012 1,069
2011 1,068
2010 1,060