Trails throughout the region, both over land and water, are poised for development and recognition. The ability to achieve common and related goals can be enhanced significantly by working collaboratively to support projects that further our mission. Together we can develop and distribute outreach, interpretive, and educational materials, tools and programs that enhance, enrich or promote the Eastern U.P. Regional Trail System.

adventure in the Eastern Upper Peninsula on trails, routes or water:

  1. Take a picture(s) of your adventure. Can be a selfie with trailhead sign or other identifying landmark or any creative photo of your adventure.
  2. Update your profile picture with our 2020 EUP Trails Challenge Facebook Frame. This is done by clicking on Update Profile Picture, uploading a picture (or use your current), and clicking on Add Frame. The 2020 EUP Trails Challenge Frame can be found by searching “SSMBHCC”. 
  3. Share why access to trails and natural space is important to you by posting a comment with the name of trail and your picture(s) on Trails of the Eastern U.P. facebook page. Tag posts with #EUPTrailsChallenge, #NationalTrailsDay, @EUPTrails and @AmericanHiking

Starting June 6, 2020 each Monday in the month of June a drawing will be held in which a lucky participant from the prior week posts will win a prize.   Announcements of winners will be posted on Trails of the Eastern U.P. Facebook page the following Wednesday.

Download the 2020 List of EUP Trails

It is still widely recognized that getting out into nature is an important way to stay healthy during these difficult times. Here are some guidelines to help you stay safe:

  • Do not use preserves, parks, or trails if you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have recently been exposed to COVID-19.
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from other people at all times.
  • Follow CDC’s guidance on personal hygiene prior to visiting preserves parks or trails.
  • Maintain distance between other cars in parking areas.
  • Be prepared for limited access to public restrooms, (use a toilet before you leave home).
  • Share the trail and warn other trail users of your presence and as you pass.
  • Be sure to tell someone where you are going and when you expect to be back.
  • Always leave no trace, including cleaning up after your pet, so be sure to bring a disposable bag to carry out any waste.
  • And remember to help stop ticks by wearing light-colored pants, closed-toe shoes, and applying EPA-approved bug repellent.

In 2014-15 the EUP Regional Planning & Development Commission, partnered with numerous stakeholders, and received a MDEQ Coastal Zone Management grant to inventory access sites along the Lake Superior shoreline from Grand Marais to Sault Ste. Marie and the St. Mary’s River shoreline from Sault Ste. Marie to DeTour Village.

Tasks included public input meetings, inventory and assessment of access sites, gap analysis, development of water trail planning language for inclusion in local recreation plans, gathering of cultural, historical, environmental, and safety information, and development of a website –

This project completed the inventory of the EUP shoreline including Lake Michigan and Lake Huron shorelines. Don’t forget to check out the Lake Superior East Water Trail and St. Marys River Island Explorer Water Trail public access inventory and analysis for the entire EUP region.

EUPRP&DC has completed a two-year planning effort funded by the Michigan Department of Transportation. The purpose was to develop a comprehensive, regional Non-Motorized Transportation Plan and Investment

Strategy for MDOT’s Superior Region. This region includes the entire U.P. Together, our agency, with Central and Western U.P. Planning Commissions, have developed a product can be used by the Michigan Department of Transportation and local officials to prioritize projects, identify funding sources and guide investment in the region’s non-motorized transportation system.

We have gathered information on existing and future trails from each county, township, city and village parks and recreation commission, planning commission and staff, and board members. Subregional meetings have taken place with trail organizations, groups, and stakeholders to review the proposed trail maps for their input.

North Country Trail

State of Michigan Trails

Bay Mills Community College EUP Recreation Guide

The following walking and biking brochures for Kinross Township and the City of Sault Ste. Marie were created as a result of a collaboration between the Chippewa County Health Department (CCHD) and the Michigan Department of  Health and Human Services (MDHHS) with the objective of increasing awareness about the health benefits of walking and physical activity as a means to reduce and manage chronic disease through the Active Living Grant Project.  The Active Living Grant Project was developed by the MDHHS Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Prevention Program to develop sustainable projects that promote active living.

The MDOT regional bicycle map shows road surface types, traffic volumes, paved/unpaved trails with regional significance, recreational facilities, points of interest, and other facilities and amenities which make cycling across

the Eastern Upper Peninsula more enjoyable.

You can view PDF files of both the front and back of the EUP Bike Map below.

Maps may also be available at Michigan Welcome Centers or your local Chamber of Commerce. If you would like to request a free map, please contact us.

Eastern U.P. Main Page (5mb PDF)

Eastern U.P. Map Insets (3mb PDF)

Adventure Cycling Association and several other organizations have teamed up with AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials) to develop a U.S. Bicycle Route System. With staff support from Adventure Cycling Association, AASHTO’s Task Force on U.S. Bicycle Routes is developing a corridor-level plan and designation scheme for this system.

The U.S. Bicycle Route System is a proposed network of bicycle routes of national and regional significance. These routes are selected by the State Departments of Transportation (DOTs), and designated and cataloged by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).

You can explore the statewide Route in the map below, or check out the project’s Google Map.

After many years of partnering with local stakeholders to develop water trails, create non-motorized transportation plans, develop land-use policy, and digitally map routes and trails the Eastern U.P. Regional Planning & Development Commission (EUPRPDC) is working to continue bringing together like-minded individuals and groups to further common goals.

Often trails do not naturally terminate or redirect with municipal boundary lines, thus, as a multi-county agency, the EUPRP&DC has taken a lead coordinating role in developing a draft Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) and formally bringing together stakeholders with similar visions and missions to discuss issues and projects, develop policies and implement strategies.

Participation in the Eastern U.P. Regional Trails Consortium in no way obliges members to any financial commitments.  In this initial stage of coordination, we ask those interested in participating in the Eastern U.P. Regional Trails Consortium to please sign and return the representative contact information form, review the draft MOU document and provide any feedback to us on it.