On this page, EUPRPDC will share annually-updated socio-economic data for the region comprised of Chippewa County, Luce County, and Mackinac County, Michigan. EUPRPDC intends for this resource to be used by local units of government, grant-writers, residents, students, and businesses. Please contact EUPRPDC if you have questions or need something specific that is not shared on this page.
Disclaimers: For a majority of the data, there is a lag: data is usually published at least a year behind the current date. Margins of error exist for all of this data; smaller, less-populated municipalities will, in most cases, have higher margins of error–e.g. Hulbert Township’s margin of error for a given variable will be larger than Chippewa County’s for the same variable.
EUPRPDC pulls data from a variety of sources. Depending on the need of a given project, EUPRPDC will access state and federal resources to obtain the data required. Below are some common sources. If one has questions about using these sites, please contact EUPRPDC to get assistance.
Information Coming Soon….