A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. GIS allows you to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts. A GIS helps you answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared. Information and data can be accessed instantly on a computer screen, (as well as GPS and more recently mobile and tablet PCs) and can reduce time in researching records and documents.

If you are an assessor or participating county member looking for GIS data, PLEASE CLICK HERE!

EUP Regional Planning has established agreements with Chippewa and Mackinac Counties to assist in the coordination and development of County-level GIS. This partnership will ensure Regional/County/Township GIS activities are coordinated and more efficient. GIS will now be deployed to County offices and departments, Townships, and the public (via web maps and web applications). This effort will ensure GIS finds its way into local government and is used to help streamline government operations.

Each County within the EUP has various GIS datasets available for purchase. Although EUP may help manage these datasets, you should contact each County to request and purchase these datasets directly. Forms and information are available below.

Chippewa County Mackinac County Luce County
Layers: 911 Address Points, 911 Road Centerlines, 2011 Leaf-Off Imagery Layers: Parcels, 911 Address Points, 911 Road Centerlines, 2011 Leaf-Off Imagery Layers: 911 Address Points, 911 Road Centerlines, 2011 Leaf-Off Imagery
Chippewa Data Use Agreement Mackinac Data Use Agreement  
Chippewa Data Request Form Mackinac Data Request Form  
Chippewa GIS Fee Schedule Mackinac GIS Fee Schedule 2014  
More Info    
Chippewa County Equalization
Mackinac County Equalization
Luce County 911

Data Available (^ indicates fees may apply)
Highways, Public Roads & Streets, Railroads DNR Access Sites, Campgrounds, Trails
Rivers, Lakes, Ponds, Creeks USGS Digital Elevation Models (10m & 30m)
PLSS [Sections & Qtr-Qtr Sections (40s)] New 2011 Digital USGS Topo-Quads (PDFs)
County/Township Political Boundaries SSURGO Soils^ (detailed attribute development in progress)
City/Village Political Boundaries 2001, 2006, 2010 NOAA CCAP Data (Coastal Change Analysis Program)
Census Blocks/Zip Codes/School Districts Local Recreation^ (Parks, Trails)(in progress)
Hiawatha National Forest Data (Roads/Trails, Ownership) NOAA ENC Data (Electronic Navigational Charts)
County Well Data (updated periodically) Digital Zoning^ (click here for available areas)
National Wetland Inventory (NWI) 2010 Census SF-1 Data by Block
Chippewa County FIRM Data *New  

EUPRPDC has partnered with Amalgam, LLC to develop a Regional Web Mapping and Land Information Records Portal. This Regional web map provides users with aerial imagery as well as a host of GIS layers including transportation, natural resources & recreation, census, and PLSS information. Users can interact with and view all these layers free of charge. Also included in the web map is Mackinac County’s parcel layer – viewable and searchable for free.

To print/download a PDF map of any area within the EUP, or to view detailed parcel information (currently only available in Mackinac County), users are required to pay a minimal transaction fee. Users can pay per-use, or sign up for an account and purchase credits for future transactions. Each transaction consumes a credit. For example, printing 5 PDF maps and viewing 10 detailed parcel records would consume 15 credits.

The costs for credits are as follows:

  • 10 credits for $30 ($3/credit)
  • 25 credits for $75 ($3/credit)
  • 50 credits for $125 ($2.50/credit)
  • 70 credits for $175 ($2.50/credit)
  • 100 credits for $200 ($2/credit)

The intent of this fee-based online system is to make available land record information and property maps that were not readily available together in the past. The fees collected from this system are re-invested into the Regional GIS system and will help improve the accuracy of property maps and information.

Fetch Web Map

Fetch Land Records Portal (Parcel Records Search)

EUPRPDC Enhanced Access Policy – This policy is established pursuant to the authority of the Enhanced Access to Public Records Act, 1996 P.A. 462, MCL 15441 et seq., as amended. The purpose of this Policy is: 1) to establish the definitions and operational provisions for a policy on enhanced access to public records, 2) to authorize the establishment of a fee schedule and to establish conditions for its waiver or reduction, and 3) to set forth a disclaimer as to all express and implied warranties regarding the access to or the use of public records for which enhanced access is provided.

EUPRPDC GIS Fee Schedule – The Eastern U.P. Regional Planning & Development Commission (EUPRPDC) maintains a Geographic Information System (GIS), a computer aided mapping system, to facilitate the storage, retrieval, and enhancement of geographic digital data. The costs associated with maintaining the digital data include a full-time employee, computer equipment maintenance and repair, leasing space in which to house the equipment, and incidental consumables such as office supplies. The prices of map products reflect the costs of expenditures made by the EUPRPDC to maintain, retrieve, and distribute its digital data. Costs of map products are based on costs found at similar Regional Agencies and Counties throughout the State of Michigan.

2011 EUP Aerial Imagery Acquisition

High resolution aerial imagery is useful to County Equalization offices, 911, Township Assessors, Road Commissions, planners, surveyors, and many others. In January 2011, Chippewa, Luce, & Mackinac Counties partnered with the State of Michigan to acquire high resolution aerial imagery through the State’s partnership with Microsoft’s Bing Maps. The imagery was collected the first week of May, 2011 at a 12″ resolution. A spring flight was chosen in order to acquire the best leaf-off quality. The City of Sault Ste. Marie also took part in this project and acquired new 6″ imagery.

To use the digital imagery in a GIS (ArcGIS, MapInfo or another mapping program), you can purchase the digital imagery from the Chippewa County Equalization office, Mackinac County Equalization office, or Luce County 911 office. Digital formats include SID, JP2, ECW, and TIFF tiles. For general information on the imagery you can contact Nathan Coon at the EUP Planning office.

Several comparison examples of this imagery are below. You can click on the image to view a larger size. These examples show that having leaf-off high resolution imagery is useful for many applications when compared to the imagery that was available before. The imagery on the left is the new 12″ leaf-off, and the imagery on the right is 2010 NAIP 1 meter leaf-on imagery. All images are compared at a scale of 1:1000.

Download the Product Description for detailed information and imagery specs.

File Comparison

There have been some inquiries as to the difference in quality between the available file types of the EUP imagery – SID, ECW, JP2, and GeoTIFF tiles. The GeoTIFF tiles are your highest quality, uncompressed images. SID is the best quality compressed image and is normally a large file size. JP2 and ECW formats are highly compressed and you may see a reduction in quality, but the file size is much smaller than TIFFs or SID images. Below are several images comparing the quality of the different formats. Click the image to view full-size.

EUP Regional Planning & Development is currently developing an on-going program for obtaining traffic volume data and determining AADT for strategic locations within the region, and assist the Department in obtaining supplemental counts and counts provided to developers, local jurisdictions, and others agencies.

MDOT maintains traffic count information for all State Trunklines and M-roads throughout the State. MDOT has recently started collecting traffic count information on local County roads/City streets as well. You can search all MDOT’s count data by visiting this website. Enter a start and ending year, select the County from the dropdown menu, and optionally select “County Roads” from the Route Designation dropdown menu (or leave blank for all MDOT counts).

EUP Traffic Count Map